Kader Football Club

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Kader FC statement on FA guidance on training in Grassroots football

Hi All,

I hope you and your families are all keeping safe and well.

I know a lot of parents, carers, managers and coaches will have now seen the statement from The Government pertaining to Grassroots Football which is now supported by guidance from the National FA. For those that have not seen it, please follow the link below:

Updated Guidance on training in grassroots football.

The club’s senior management and trustees have discussed the matter in-depth and following advice received from external bodies it was agreed unanimously that at present it was too big of a risk to restart football activity.

The fact we would be asking parents to sign disclaimer forms in the event of their child or family members fatality tells us it is simply too soon. Our responsibility is not just keeping all of our children safe but also protecting you as coaches.

In order to restart at present, the following would have to be undertaken by each coach before each session:

  • Full risk assessment to be carried out by the coach taking the sessions, specific to each session/activity and every child’s individual needs;

  • Sanitising of all equipment before and after the session with no sharing of equipment;

  • Social distancing of 2 metres at all times;

  • One adult supervising each session from a distance (safeguarding concerns of who the adult is and do they need to have a safeguarding certificate and FA DBS?);

  • Consent form/disclaimer signed by each parent/legal guardian ultimately denying the responsibility of the coach if the worst should happen and a child becomes infected and death was to occur to them or a family member. We are not sure how much this form will cover you as it is being signed on behalf of another person and one can only consent to so much harm legally.

  • Our public liability insurance and that of the FA coaching licence does not cover COVID 19 related incidents so any issues could be up to 100% your own responsibility and liability.

    We will continue to review communications and guidance from the FA and The Government regarding permitted grassroots football activity during the ongoing pandemic.

    The club are looking into measures which will be required to safely ensure that the guidance can facilitate a safe return to football activity and request that all of our coaches, parents and players remain patient and do not undertake any coaching activity until such time the club has a standardised safe approach as to how this will restart.

    For now, NO teams are permitted to train until further notice.

    We want nothing more than to see the players and coaches having fun and filling the facilities with activity as soon as possible and rest assured measures are being implemented and changes made to the facilities in order to facilitate opening as soon as possible. Ultimately we need to make sure that this is safe as is possible for children, players, parents, coaches and staff before we can proceed. For the meantime stay safe and well and we can’t wait to see you all soon.

Kind Regards,

Alan Formby-Jackson

Kader FC chairman