TJFA Statement

The health and well being of all members of the TJFA is paramount, we as a league made the early decision to postpone all fixtures back on the 13th March 2020, this was 10 days prior to the country being ordered into lockdown.

The virus has caused a significant change in the way of life for pretty much everyone across the county, and even the world. The response into the league has been positive, yes we as a league know how much the kids are missing their Sunday football, how much parents and coaches are also missing the joy that the competitiveness offers, however as stated the safety and well being for all involved is more important.

We are advising today, the league has made the hard decision to finish the 2019/20 season as a whole. The management committee of the league unanimously made a decision to null and void all competitions within the TJFA for this current season, as such, all football that was due to be played within season 2019/20 will not be played.

In a few weeks’ time we will be writing to all clubs to apply for next season, a few additional decisions were made to support teams within the league, these are as follows:

League allocations will be reviewed for next season at all age groups.

Under 9s (2020/21) will be broken down into 2 seasons, similar to how the U7 and U8s were this current season, with a re-allocation at Christmas for the second half of the season.

Under 10s and Under 11s will have the North Riding and Durham boundary removed.

We appreciate the decision may disappoint some teams within our league, however with over 3000 league fixtures remaining across all age groups the decision should not come as a surprise to any club within this organisation.

Please continue to Stay safe, protect the NHS and save lives.


Kevin Close

Teesside Junior Football Alliance League Secretary


North Riding County FA World Cup of Club Badges


North Riding FA Statement